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For our customers: Product roadmap sneak peek
Restaurant Payroll 101
Learn how to tackle the hardest aspects of paying restaurant workers from taxes and tip reporting to labor law compliance.
platform SECURITY

Don't worry about data security

Keep your applicant and worker data safe with security controls built into your people management platform.

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user security in using Workstream
Built for the hourly workforce

Know your data is safe

HR teams hold some of the most precious data. Keep yours secure with Workstream's built-in controls and security practices.
multi-level permissions icon

Single sign-on

Verify the identity of your employees every time they sign in to Workstream.

custom groups icon

Role-based access controls

Restrict access to sensitive information to only the users who need it.

file security icon

File security

Trust your data is encrypted and protected from security vulnerabilities.

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Workstream is SOC-2 Type 2 Compliant

  • Data is encrypted at rest and in-transit

  • Regularly scanning for vulnerabilities to spot and fix them

Explore workstream
records in workstream card


Manage team members in one centralized place.

digital onboarding card

Digital Onboarding

Get your workers to day one faster.

analytics card


Get insights into your hiring pipeline.

Be smart with your hourly workforce

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